Burton's World



Why hello there...
Yes, I am the proud (well, not yet) owner of this, soon to be, great website. I have made a bunch of websites in the past but I feel it in my gut that this one will be the best of them all. Well, let me start but introducing myself. My name is **** ********. Exactly, that wouldn't be safe now, would it? Since I am under-age and all. That's all I can really say right now. I dislike stalkers so call me Claw. All my friends do, don't ask why.

So... Have fun-or at least try to- have fun on my new website. I'll be adding:
-Burton info and bio
-Movie info and links
-Surveys (Scroll down for one)
-Polls (Scroll down below survey for one)
So keep checking back xD

    Burton Survey